
18 September, 2024

REINDEER Project Team Recognized at IEEE SPAWC 2024

The REINDEER project team was delighted to participate in the 25th IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), held on September 10th – 13th in Lucca, a region steeped in the history of wireless communication. SPAWC,...
9 September, 2024

SPAWC 2024:

Harsh industrial environments are known to have challenging radio propagation characteristics, where strong multipath propagation and obstructed line-of-sight (LoS) conditions impair the radio channel. Distributed MIMO (D-MIMO) is a technology that promises to overcome these challenges by spreading antennas throughout...
29 July, 2024

REINDEER Newsletter Issue 03

Explore the latest edition of the REINDEER Newsletter! This issue highlights our recent technical meeting in Madrid, marking significant progress towards completing our ambitious project on energy-efficient RadioWeaves technology. Discover innovative use cases, remarkable advancements in radio channel measurements, and...
4 July, 2024

Animation of Algorithm 4’s performance on real-world data

The REINDEER project showcases the animation of Algorithm 4’s performance on real-world data in its D3.4 deliverable (Figure 3.15). This animation, visualizes how the algorithm tracks an object over time by displaying particle distributions and likelihood functions in both the...
8 May, 2024

REINDEER Technical Meeting, Madrid

Telefonica SA hosted a 2-day technical meeting (25th – 26th April 2024). As the project timeline progresses, the team gathers once more for a meeting, marking another step forward in our journey towards completion. While the end is in sight,...
21 November, 2023

New Paper: “5G PPP in review 2023”

The 5G PPP Steering Board and the 5G PPP Technology Board, have published their paper “5G PPP in Review”. This paper “documents the 5G PPP approach, captures a summary of the delivered work and major achievements, assesses its effectiveness, and...
24 October, 2023

Interview with Gilles Callebaut

Join us for an exclusive peek behind the scenes with Gilles Callebaut from KU Leuven as he uncovers the real-world implementation of the REINDEER project’s physical inventory. Gain invaluable insights into the project’s inner workings and see it in action....
24 October, 2023

Interview with Philipp Jauck

Join us in this enlightening discussion with Advisory Board Member Philipp Jauck as he delves into the significance of the REINDEER project. Discover why this initiative holds immense importance and how companies like SES-imagotag can reap the benefits of its...
17 August, 2023

Interview with Technikon

Marion Habernig from Technikon is talking about the REINDEER project and its challenges.
10 July, 2023

Book contribution: Towards sustainable trustworthy 6G

The rapid global deployment of 5G networks has set the stage for the next technological leap: the development of the sixth-generation (6G) wireless communication system. As the ICT industry and research communities intensify their efforts towards envisioning the future of...
30 June, 2023

Celebrating Success at EuCNC & 6G Summit 2023

First of all – Congratulations to Christian Nelson to the “Best Student Paper Award on Antennas and Propagation“! Christian and his Co-Authors (Xuhong Li, Thomas Wilding, Benjamin Deutschmann, Klaus Witrisal and Fredrik Tufvesson) won the Best Paper Award for their...
6 June, 2023

7th European 5G Annual Journal

The 6GStart project has released the 7th and final issue of the European 5G Annual Journal. As they approach the conclusion of the 5G PPP Programme in 2023 and 2024, it’s a perfect time to reflect on its remarkable achievements....
25 May, 2023

ICASSP 2023 Workshop on Signal Processing for Synthetic Apertures

Take a closer look at the latest open access publication from TU Graz in this informative blog post. The paper titled “Bistatic MIMO Radar Sensing of Specularly Reflecting Surfaces for Wireless Power Transfer” delves into a novel methods to apply...
3 May, 2023

REINDEER Technical Meeting, Lund

The University of Lund hosted a 2-day technical meeting (20th – 21st April 2023). The focus of the meeting were the upcoming tasks in the main technological work packages (WP2, WP3 and WP4) and their Research & Development activities, as...
6 February, 2023

White Paper: The 6G Architecture Landscape – European perspective

This white paper summarizes the main findings from the European research landscape on the vision of the 6G architecture. Such a design vision is derived from around 45 projects starting from October 2020 in all relevant areas of 5G while...
11 January, 2023

6G Urging new networking concepts and terminology – Wireless Future Blog

The REINDEER consortium discussed why 6G applications and sustainability targets require, on the infrastructure side, a compute-connectivity platform, consisting of interconnected distributed resources.  They introduce a new essential terminology enable a clear discussion in developing novel technologies illustrated in the...
3 January, 2023

IEEE Globecom 2022: Contribution to Signal Processing for Communications

Ke Wang Helmersson (EAB) presented joint research results from the REINDEER project at the IEEE Global Communications Conference 2022 4-8 December, 2022 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The paper “Uplink D-MIMO Processing and Combining Using Kalman Filter” by Ke Wang...
6 December, 2022

Call for Papers: IEEE ICC 2023 Workshop

This Call for Papers is for the 2nd edition of the Workshop on “Synergies between communication, localization and sensing towards 6G” and is looking for contributions on a variety of topics. The workshop is co-organised by REINDEER partner KU Leuven...
2 December, 2022

REINDEER Technical Meeting, Amsterdam

The REINDEER consortium met in Amsterdam for two days (23rd & 24th November 2022) for a joint technical meeting. On the first day the vibrant discussions progressed work on WP2 specifically on the “Evaluation of the distribution of processing across...
29 November, 2022

Presentation “RadioWeaves For Communication, Positioning, And WPT: How To Share Resources?” at Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers (ASILOMAR 2022)

6G networks will need to sustain the constantly increasing demand for mobile data, the exponential growth of devices, and support new use cases. This results in the diversification of communication requirements, from sporadic low-payload transmissions to imperceivably latency and ultra-high...
12 September, 2022

First Periodic Review Meeting

The first Periodic Review Meeting took place as a hybrid meeting on 8th Sept 2022, where the review was held online and the consortium met in Gent/Belgium to present their work to the reviewers. The day was dedicated to present...
8 September, 2022

2022 IEEE SPS – EURASIP summer school on “Defining 6G: Theory, Applications, and Enabling Technologies”

The summer school held at Linköping University, co-organised by Erik G. Larsson (LIU), provided a comprehensive roadmap about fundamental theory, emerging applications, and possible enabling technologies for 6G. Application-domain talks with a high-level overview of key elements and practical aspects...
11 July, 2022

Developments and Challenges Enabling 6G THz Radio HW

Questions on the biggest disruptions and challenges and key enabling technologies moving towards 6G were part of a panel discussion at the EuCNC – 6G Summit in June 2022 in Grenoble, France. Liesbet Van de Perre (KU Leuven) joined the...
22 June, 2022

Newsletter Issue 02

The second REINDEER newsletter is now available for download. In this edition, we present a message from the technical lead, an update on current work in the project including recent publications, a listing of past & upcoming events, an overview...
3 June, 2022

White Paper: Beyond 5G/6G KPIs and Target Values 

A white paper from the Test, Measurement and KPIs Validation Working Group (June 2022) The main objective of this document is to present the current view of the available B5G and 6G KPIs from 5G PPP phase III projects with...
3 May, 2022

REINDEER Technical Meeting WP2 & WP4

A joint WP2 & WP4 technical meeting of the REINDEER consortium took place at the Technical University of Graz from 26th-27th April 2022.
27 April, 2022

Wireless networks and EU-China relations

Liesbet van der Perre (KU Leuven) presented on the 27th April 2022 virtually the developments of 5G in Europe, the market position of Huawei and the future of 6G with policy makers as part of Assessing China’s Digital Power. The...
8 March, 2022

Happy International Women’s Day!

All these talented and successful ladies are members of Women in Telecommunication and Research (WiTaR) and show “there is no limit to what women can accomplish”.
7 February, 2022

ICT-52 Workshop on 6G

Liesbet Van der Perre (KU Leuven) and Juan Francisco Esteban Rivas (Telefonica) presented the REINDEER project at the ICT-52 workshop on 6G on 3rd February 2022. The workshop was organised by the European 6G Flagship project Hexa-X together with other...
24 January, 2022

REINDEER Advisory Board Meeting

The REINDEER project started the new year highly motivated and met on Friday, 14th January 2022 with its Advisory Board. The REINDEER Advisory Board, composed of representatives from Niko, SES-imagotag and Thomas L. Marzetta who cooperates with project partners already...
23 December, 2021

REINDEER Podcast #2

Technikon has recorded a podcast with Erik G. Larsson, Professor and Head of the Division for Communication Systems in the Department of Electrical Engineering at Linköping University. This second episode is about how the REINDEER H2020 Project can help facilitate the...
23 December, 2021

Discover the „Wireless Future“ Blog

This blog, hosted by Erik G. Larsson, IEEE Fellow and Professor at Linköping University, Sweden, and Emil Björnson, Visiting Professor at KTH Royal Institute of Technology and Associate Professor at Linköping University, presents interesting news and podcasts about the world of wireless technology....
15 December, 2021

LiU podcast Ep 20 „Wireless Solutions for the Internet of Things”

With REINDEER technology leader Liesbet Van der Perre (KU Leuven). Many objects around us are embedded with sensors and processors to create the Internet of Things (IoT). Wireless connectivity is an essential component for enabling these devices to exchange data...
15 December, 2021

NXP blog – An IoT Without Batteries or Cords?

Together with researchers and engineers from universities, research organizations and other companies, NXP is participating in a multi-year project called REINDEER, which is intended to develop smart connectivity technologies for resilient interactive experiences, with perceived zero latency and uninterrupted availability...
17 November, 2021

REINDEER Technical Meeting

The REINDEER consortium met on 10-11th November 2021 for a technical meeting in Lund. There were a lot of intersting discussions and latest results were shown. It was a great atmosphere and it was nice to meet each again face-2-face.
29 October, 2021

5G PPP Architecture Working Group – View on 5G Architecture, Version 4.0

The overall goal of the Architecture Working Group (WG) within the 5G PPP Initiative is to consolidate the main technology enablers and the bleeding-edge design trends in the context of the 5G Architecture. As a result, it provides a consolidated...
4 October, 2021

REINDEER Podcast #1

Technikon has recorded a podcast with technical leader, Liesbet Van der Perre from KU Leuven. This first episode presents the scope and reach of REINDEER as well as a bit about use cases and challenges. Please have a listen and...
4 October, 2021

REINDEER explainer video ready for viewing and sharing

A new video has been published which highlights the concepts in REINDEER. In under one minute, viewers will have a clear idea of the overarching goals in REINDEER. Please share this video with your network.
4 October, 2021

First newsletter now available

The first REINDEER newsletter is now available for download. In this edition, we present a message from the coordinator, all workpackages in the project, a listing of past and upcoming events and a look at all recent media releases. Please...
30 August, 2021

REINDEER – A quick look

This quick look at the REINDEER H2020 project by the technology lead Liesbet Van der Perre from KU Leuven will give a few details about why this effort is important not just for the European Union as an industrial competitor...
10 August, 2021

How Ericsson is Powering Innovation in 6G Multi-Antenna Technologies

Ericsson’s R&D-led approach to ensure that the company remains at the forefront of next-generation technology is reflected in its key participation in a new EU-funded 6G initiative. Ericsson technology experts have joined forces with partners from academia and the industry...
10 August, 2021

Article at “The Voice of 5G & LTE for the Americas”

“Ericsson’s R&D-led approach to ensure that the company remains at the forefront of next-generation technology is reflected in its key participation in a new EU-funded 6G initiative. Ericsson technology experts have joined forces with partners from academia and the industry...
13 April, 2021

Today in a talk with Technikon Team

Today in a talk with Martina Truskaller, Herbert Petautschnig, Marion Habernig and Luana Fabrete from Technikon Team – Austria – 5 questions about the team and the REINDEER H2020 project:
16 March, 2021

Today in a talk with Joao Vieira (Ericsson)

Today in a talk with Joao Vieira from Ericsson AB – Sweden – 5 questions about himself and the REINDEER H2020 project:
22 February, 2021

Today in a talk with KU Leuven Team

Today in a talk with Liesbet Van der Perre and Gilles Callebaut from KU Leuven Team – Belgium – 5 questions about the team and the REINDEER H2020 project:
16 February, 2021

Today in a talk with Ulrich Muehlmann (NXP)

Today in a talk with Ulrich Muehlmann from NXP Semiconductors – Austria – 5 questions about himself and the REINDEER H2020 project:
9 February, 2021

Today in a talk with Juan Francisco (TID)

Today in a talk with Juan Francisco from Telefónica Investigacion Y Desarrollo SA (TID) – Spain – 5 questions about himself and the REINDEER H2020 project:
27 January, 2021

REINDEER kick-off

The H2020 REINDEER project launched by having a virtual kick-off remote meeting on January 25-26, 2021. Project partners gathered to plan, organize and designate duties for the next 42 months. Work packages work was correlated and technical in-depth discussions emerged....
20 January, 2021

Solutions for tomorrow’s high speed wireless

The REINDEER project will develop technology to ensure that fast wireless access is where we need it, when we need it.
20 January, 2021

Today in a talk with Erik G. Larsson (LiU)

Today in a talk with Erik G. Larsson from Linköping University (LiU) – 5 questions about himself and the REINDEER H2020 project
8 January, 2021

REINDEER – Quick overview

The H2020 project REINDEER started officially on 1st January, 2021. REINDEER will develop a new type of smart connectivity platform creating hyper-diversity. We will design cell-free protocols and distributed intelligent processing establishing robust and scalable real-time and real-space interactive applications....
21 December, 2020

5G PPP phase 3, Part 6 results

5G innovations for verticals with third party services & Smart Connectivity beyond 5G: 9 Projects have been retained from the 29 proposals received by the EC in response to the 5G-PPP ICT-41-2020 call “5G-PPP 5G innovations for verticals with third...