REINDEER kick-off

27 January, 2021

The H2020 REINDEER project launched by having a virtual kick-off remote meeting on January 25-26, 2021. Project partners gathered to plan, organize and designate duties for the next 42 months. Work packages work was correlated and technical in-depth discussions emerged.

The REINDEER project is built upon an FP7 project dedicated to Massive MIMO technologies. REINDEER is working on RadioWeaves-based solutions to support novel location based solutions and applications. REINDEER develops a new type of smart connectivity platform creating hyper-diversity. Cell-free protocols as well as distributed intelligent processing will be researched.
With the Kick-Off meeting completed, and the internal and external IT infrastructure in full service, the consortium reached Milestone 1.

The REINDEER project consortium is looking forward to a successful international collaboration!