Today in a talk with Juan Francisco (TID)

9 February, 2021

Today in a talk with Juan Francisco from Telefónica Investigacion Y Desarrollo SA (TID) – Spain – 5 questions about himself and the REINDEER H2020 project:

Introduce yourself and tell us a bit about your background.

My name is Juan Francisco, I work in the “Open RAN and new radio solutions” team at Telefonica (Spain). I have been participating over the last four years in different EU-funded projects, focussing on radio access technology innovation and technical definition of use cases and deployment scenarios where the innovative technology is relevant.

What is your title and/or role in the project?

I am the main contact person from Telefonica and I will be actively involved in all the tasks where Telefonica is contributing within the project.

What are your contributions to the project? (Specify what tasks you are responsible for)

We are leading WP1 “Analysis of future interactive applications, detailed technical requirements, propagation modelling and assessment of achievable gains”, contributing mainly in the definition of relevant use cases, deployment scenarios and technical requirements.

We are also involved in technical contributions for WP3 with the study of suitable new waveform for ultra-robust and high reliability communications.

What challenges can you foresee in the project?

We foresee to have several technical challenges that we will have to solve within the different WPs. First of all, from the perspective of the WP1, we will have to define the most relevant use cases of the emerging future applications where REINDEER project will add value and then be able to reach the technical requirements creating the RadioWaves technology.

How do you think the project outcome could affect our daily life?

REINDEER project will give the market a new way to deploy access network, making the new generation of radio access network more robust and reliable for human-machine interaction, so that it will open new opportunities not only in industrial environments but also impacting the daily life of people, for example in care environments or hospitals.