Scientific Publications
Publication in Journal “IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing (Early Access)”
Joint Localization, Synchronization and Mapping via Phase-Coherent Distributed Arrays – article by Alessio Fascista, Benjamin Deutschmann, Musa Furkan Keskin, Thomas Wilding, Angelo Coluccia, Klaus Witrisal, Erik Leitinger, Gonzalo Seco-Granados and Henk Wymeersch
Academic Article
Experimental Study on the Effect of Synchronization Accuracy for Near-Field RF Wireless Power Transfer in Multi-Antenna Systems – academic article by Gilles Callebaut, Jarne Van Mulders, Bert Cox, Benjamin J. B. Deutschmann, Geoffrey Ottoy, Lieven De Strycker and Liesbet Van der Perre
Academic Article
Spatial separation of closely-spaced users in measured distributed massive MIMO channels – academic article by Yingjie Xu, Michiel Sandra, Xuesong Cai, Sara Willhammar and Fredrik Tufvesson
Academic Article
A Flexible Framework for Grant-Free Random Access in Cell-Free Massive MIMO Systems – academic article by Sai Subramanyam Thoota and Erik G. Larsson
Academic Article
Reducing Dynamic Range in Bistatic Backscatter Communication via Beamforming Design – academic article by Ahmet Kaplan, Diana P. M. Osorio and Erik G. Larsson
Academic Article
Single versus Multi-Tone Wireless Power Transfer with Physically Large Arrays – academic article by Jarne Van Mulders, Benjamin J. B. Deutschmann, Geoffrey Ottoy, Lieven De Strycker, Liesbet Van der Perre, Thomas Wilding and Gilles Callebaut
Academic Article
Keeping Energy-Neutral Devices Operational: a Coherent Massive Beamforming Approach – academic article by Jarne Van Mulders, Bert Cox, Benjamin J. B. Deutschmann, Gilles Callebaut, Lieven de Strycker and Liesbet Van der Perre
Academic Article
Combined Wideband Channel Estimation and Direct Link Interference Mitigation in Bistatic Backscatter Systems – academic article by Lukas D’Angelo, Benjamin J. B. Deutschmann and Klaus Witrisal
Academic Article
How to Perform Distributed Precoding to Wirelessly Power Shelf Labels : Signal Processing and Measurements – academic article by Gilles Callebaut; Jarne Van Mulders; Bert Cox; Liesbet Van der Perre; Lieven De Strycker and François Rottenberg
Publication in Journal “IEEE Transactions on Communications”
Cell-free Massive MIMO with Sequential Fronthaul Architecture and Limited Memory Access Points – article by Vida Ranjbar, Robbert Beerten, Marc Moonen and Sofie Pollin
Academic Article
Accurate Direct Positioning in Distributed MIMO Using Delay-Doppler Channel Measurements – academic article by Benjamin Deutschmann, Christian Nelson, Mikael Henriksson, Gian Marti, Alva Kosasih, Nuutti Tervo, Erik Leitinger and Fredrik Tufvesson
Academic Article
Access Point Selection for Bistatic Backscatter Communication in Cell-Free MIMO – academic article by Ahmet Kaplan, Diana P. M. Osorio and Erik G. Larsson
Conference Paper
Joint Optimization of Switching Point and Power Control in Dynamic TDD Cell-Free Massive MIMO by Martin Andersson, Tung T. Vu, Pål Frenger and Erik G. Larsson
Conference Paper
Robust Precoding Weights for Downlink D-MIMO in 6G Communications by Ke Wang Helmersson, Pål Frenger and Anders Helmersson
Scientific Publication
Distributed MIMO Precoding with Routing Constraints in Segmented Fronthaul – academic article by Jale Sadreddini, Omer Haliloglu and Andres Reial
Scientific Publication
Robust Covariance-Based Activity Detection for Massive Access – academic article by Jianan Bai and Erik G. Larsson
Scientific Publication
Anchor Layout Optimization for Ultrasonic Indoor Positioning Using Swarm Intelligence – academic article by Daan Delabie, Thomas Wilding, Liesbet Van der Perre and Lieven De Strycker
Scientific Publication
Energy Reduction in Cell-Free Massive MIMO through Fine-Grained Resource Management – academic article by Özlem Tuğfe Demir, Lianet Méndez-Monsanto, Nicola Bastianello, Emma Fitzgerald and Gilles Callebaut
Scientific Publication
Joint Sequential Fronthaul Quantization and Hardware Complexity Reduction in Uplink Cell-Free Massive MIMO Networks – academic article by Vida Ranjbar, Robbert Beerten, Marc Moonen and Sofie Pollin
Scientific Publication
Scheduling of Industrial Control Traffic for Dynamic RAN Slicing with Distributed Massive MIMO – academic article by Emma Fitzgerald and Michał Pióro
Scientific Publication
Distributed MIMO Measurements for Integrated Communication and Sensing in an Industrial Environment – academic article by by Christian Nelson, Xuhong Li, Aleksei Fedorov, Benjamin Deutschmann and Fredrik Tufvesson
New publication
Massive Synchrony in Distributed Antenna Systems by Erik G. Larsson from Linköping University
Publication in “Journal of Advances in Information Fusion (JAIF)”
Multipath-Based SLAM for Non-Ideal Reflective Surfaces Exploiting Multiple-Measurement Data Association – article by Lukas Wielandner, Alexander Venus, Thomas Wilding and Erik Leitinger
Scientific Publication
Sequential Processing in Cell-free Massive MIMO Uplink with Limited Memory Access Points – academic article by Vida Ranjbar, Robbert Beerten, Marc Moonen and Sofie Pollin
Scientific Publication
Towards Practical Cell-Free 6G Network Deployments: An Open-Source End-to-End Ray Tracing Simulator – academic article by William Tärneberg, Aleksei Fedorov, Gilles Callebaut, Liesbet Van der Perre and Emma Fitzgerald
Scientific Publication
BeamSync: Over-The-Air Synchronization for Distributed Massive MIMO Systems – academic article by Unnikrishnan Kunnath Ganesan, Rimalapudi Sarvendranath and Erik G. Larsson
Academic Article
Resource Efficient Over-the-Air Fronthaul Signaling for Uplink Cell-Free Massive MIMO Systems – academic article by Zakir Hussain Shaik, Sai Subramanyam Thoota, Emil Björnson and Erik G. Larsson
Scientific Publication
The 5G PPP Steering Board and the 5G PPP Technology Board, have published their paper “5G PPP in Review” with REINDEER’s contribution.
Scientific Publication
An Open Dataset Storage Standard for 6G Testbeds – academic article by Gilles Callebaut, Michiel Sandra, Christian Nelson, Thomas Wilding, Daan Delabie, Benjamin J. B. Deutschmann, William Tärneberg, Emma Fitzgerald, Anders J. Johansson and Liesbet Van der Perre
Academic Article
6G Radio Testbeds: Requirements, Trends, and Approaches – academic article by Gilles Callebaut, Liang Liu, Thomas Eriksson, Liesbet Van der Perre, Ove Edfors and Christian Fager
Scientific Publication
Data-Driven Robust Beamforming for Initial Access – academic article by Sai Subramanyam Thoota, Joao Vieira and Erik G. Larsson
Academic Article
Dynamic Range Improvement in Bistatic Backscatter Communication Using Distributed MIMO
by Ahmet Kaplan, Joao Vieira, Erik G. Larsson
Academic Article
Direct Link Interference Suppression for Bistatic Backscatter Communication in Distributed MIMO
by Ahmet Kaplan, Joao Vieira, Erik G. Larsson
Book contribution
Towards Sustainable and Trustworthy 6G – Challenges, Enables and Architectural Design with REINDEER Contributing Authors: Ch. 2: Pål Frenger (EAB); Ch. 3: Vida Ranjbar (KU Leuven); Ch. 4: Liesbet Van der Perre (KU Leuven), Thomas Wilding (TU Graz); Ch. 6: Benjamin Deutschmann (TU Graz), Liesbet Van der Perre (KU Leuven), Klaus Witrisal, Thomas Wilding (TU Graz)
Academic Article
Propagation Modeling for Physically Large Arrays: Measurements and Multipath Component Visibility by Thomas Wilding, Benjamin Deutschmann, Christian Nelson, Xuhong Li, Fredrik Tufvesson, Klaus Witrisal
Academic Article
Phase Calibration of Distributed Antenna Arrays by E.G. Larsson and J. Vieira
European 5G Annual Journal 2023
7th edition by the 6G Start project, with a REINDEER contribution on page 103.
More information available on our blog
Academic Article
Bistatic MIMO Radar Sensing of Specularly Reflecting Surfaces for Wireless Power Transfer by Benjamin J. B. Deutschmann, Maximilian Graber, Thomas Wilding, Klaus Witrisal
White Paper
Beyond 5G/6G KPI Measurement with REINDEER contribution
Conference Paper
RF Energy Harvester Circuits Supplied with Multi-sine Signals by Jarne Van Mulders , Chesney Buyle , Lieven De Strycker , Liesbet Van der Perre
Academic Article
Distributed Signal Processing for Out-of-System Interference Suppression in Cell-Free Massive MIMO by Zakir Hussain Shaik and Erik G. Larsson.
Conference Paper
Grant-Free Random Access of IoT devices in Massive MIMO with Partial CSI by Gilles Callebaut, Franc ̧ois Rottenberg, Liesbet Van der Perre and Erik G. Larsson
Academic Article
Impact of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Geometry on Communication Performance by Zhuangzhuang Cui, Sofie Pollin
Academic Article
Uplink D-MIMO Processing and Combining Using Kalman Filter by Ke Wang Helmersson, Pal Frenger, Anders Helmersson
Academic Article
XL-MIMO Channel Modeling and Prediction for Wireless Power Transfer – academic article by Benjamin J. B. Deutschmann, Thomas Wilding, Maximilian Graber and Klaus Witrisal
Academic Article
UAV-Based Servicing of IoT Nodes: Assessment of Ecological Impact– academic article by Jarne Van Mulders, Jona Cappelle, Sarah Goossens, Lieven De Strycker and Liesbet Van der Perre
Academic Article
Uplink Joint Positioning and Synchronization in Cell-Free Deployments with Radio Stripes – academic article by Alessio Fascista, Benjamin J. B. Deutschmann, Musa Furkan Keskin, Thomas Wilding, Angelo Coluccia, Klaus Witrisal, Erik Leitinger, Gonzalo Seco-Granados and Henk Wymeersch
White Paper
“The 6G Architecture Landscape – European perspective” – by Bahare, Massod Khorsandi; Gavras, Anastasius; Gramaglia, Marco; Cosmas, John; Li, Xi; Bulakci, Ömer; Rahman, Arifur; Kostopoulos, Alexandros; Mesodiakaki, Agapi; Tsolkas, Dimitris; Ericson, Mårten; Boldi, Mauro; Uusitalo, Mikko; Ghoraishi, Mir; Rugeland, Patrik
This white paper summarizes the main findings from the European research landscape on the vision of the 6G architecture. Such a design vision is derived from around 45 projects starting from October 2020 in all relevant areas of 5G while paving the way towards 6G, within the 5G Public Private-Partnership (5G PPP) in the scope of the European Framework for Research and Innovation (the list of contributing projects can be obtained from the 5G PPP website.). At present, the European networking research community has started a new program along with 33 projects on the Smart Networks and Service (SNS) programme that will focus on 5G advanced and 6G. The 5G/B5G Architecture Working Group (WG), as part of the 5G PPP Initiative, is identifying and capturing novel trends and key technological enablers for the realization of the 5G and 6G architecture. The main findings and results of the Architecture WG are now captured in this white paper, which presents a consolidated view from European perspective on the technical directions for the architecture design in the 6G era.
The 6G Architecture Landscape – European perspective | Zenodo
Academic Article
Finite Precision Implementation of Recursive Algorithms for Uplink Detection in Cell-Free Networks
by Vida Ranjbar, Sofie Pollin, Marc Moonen
Conference presentation
RadioWeaves For Communication, Positioning, And WPT: How To Share Resources? by Gilles Callebaut, Emma Fitzgerald, Liang Liu, Lieven De Strycker, Fredrik Tufvesson and Liesbet Van der Perre
Academic article
Energy-Efficient Power Allocation for an Underlay Spectrum Sharing RadioWeaves Network – academic article by Zakir Hussain Shaik, Rimalapudi Sarvendranath and Erik G. Larsson
Academic article
Activity Detection in Distributed MIMO: Distributed AMP via Likelihood Ratio Fusion – academic article by Jianan Bai and Erik G. Larsson
Academic article
Dynamic Federations for 6G Cell-Free Networking: Concepts and Terminology – academic article by Gilles Callebaut, William Tärneberg, Liesbet Van der Perre, Emma Fitzgerald
Academic article
Wireless Power Transfer: Systems, Circuits, Standards, and Use Cases – academic article by Jarne Van Mulders; Daan Delabie; Cédric Lecluyse; Chesney Buyle; Gilles Callebaut; Liesbet Van der Perre; Lieven De Strycker
Academic article
Grant-Free Random Access in Massive MIMO for Static Low-Power IoT Nodes – academic article by Gilles Callebaut, Liesbet Van der Perre, François Rottenberg
Academic article
Physical Layer Abstraction Model for RadioWeaves – academic article by Rimalapudi Sarvendranath, Unnikrishnan Kunnath Ganesan, Zakir Hussain Shaik, Erik G. Larsson
White Paper
„Beyond 5G/6G KPIs and Target Values” by Nielsen, Lars; Gavras, Anastasius; Dieudonne, Michael; Mesogiti, Ioanna; Roosipuu, Priit; Houatra, Drissa; Kosmatos, Evangelos
The main objective of this document is to present the current view of the available B5G and 6G KPIs from 5G PPP phase III projects with a focus on projects of the ICT-52 call. This view includes mapping to KPIs previously defined for 5G and evaluating how they might evolve to fit the B5G and 6G visions…
Academic article
Uplink D-MIMO with Decentralized Subset Combining – academic article by Ke Wang Helmersson; Pål Frenger and Anders Helmersson
Academic article
Location-based Initial Access for Wireless Power Transfer with Physically Large Arrays – academic article by Benjamin J. B. Deutschmann, Thomas Wilding, Erik G. Larsson and Klaus Witrisal.
Academic article
Techtile – Open 6G R&D Testbed for Communication, Positioning, Sensing, WPT and Federated Learning – academic article by Gilles Callebaut, Jarne Van Mulders, Geoffrey Ottoy, Daan Delabie, Bert Cox, Nobby Stevens, Liesbet Van der Perre
Academic article
A Multi-band Solution for Interacting with Energy-Neutral Devices – an academic article by Chesney Buyle, Bert Cox, Liesbet Van der Perre and Lieven De Strycker.
Academic article
Reciprocity calibration of Distributed Massive MIMO Access Points for Coherent Operation – academic article by Joao Vieira and Erik G. Larsson.
Academic article
BeamSync: Over-The-Air Carrier Synchronization in Distributed RadioWeaves – an academic article by Unnikrishnan Kunnath Ganesan, Rimalapudi Sarvendranath and Erik G. Larsson.
Academic article
Partial Interference Suppression in Massive MIMO Systems: Taxonomy and Experimental Analysis – an academic article by Andrea P. Guevara, Cheng-Ming Chen, Alessandro Chiumento and Sofie Pollin.
Academic article
A Primer on Techtile: An R&D Testbed for Distributed Communication, Sensing and Positioning – an academic article by Gilles Callebaut, Jarne Van Mulder, Geoffrey Ottoy and Liesbet Van der Perre.
Academic article
Physical Layer Latency Management Mechanisms: A Study for Millimeter-Wave Wi-Fi – an academic article by Alexander Marinšek, Daan Delabie, Lieven De Strycker and Liesbet Van der Perre.
European Annual Journal 2021
The sixth issue of the European 5G Annual Journal was released at the end of May 2021. H2020 REINDEER contribution on pages 123-124.
R&I initiatives on 6G technologies are now starting in leading regions worldwide, with the first products and infrastructures expected for the end of this decade. In January 2021, a first set of 6G projects was launched, worth 60 million EUR under the 5G PPP with the Hexa-X flagship developing a first 6G system concept complemented by 8 projects investigating specific technologies for 6G, putting Europe on a par with our global competitors. In February 2021, the Commission adopted a legislative proposal for the upcoming European partnership on Smart Networks and Services (SNS) towards 6G, the successor of our 5G PPP