Dissemination & Communication
REINDEER Newsletter 03
Explore the latest edition of the REINDEER Newsletter!
Blog post
The project members Erik G. Larsson and Liesbet Van der Perre are revealing insights into our project in the blog post called “Golden Frequencies” on the website Wireless Future. They unravel the revolutionary advancements, challenges, and real-world applications reshaping the industry. Click on the link on the right to delve into this insightful read!
Presentation on Propagation Modeling for Physically Large Arrays: Measurement and Multipath Component Visibility
TU Graz gave a presentation at the 2023 EuCNC & 6G Summit in Gothenburg.
Presentation on Propagation characteristics and channel models for RadioWeaves infrastructure for communication and positioning
Thomas Wilding gave a presentation at a Workshop at Graz University of Technology, Austria.
Newsletter Issue 02
The second REINDEER newsletter is now available for download. In this edition, we present a message from the technical lead, an update on current work in the project including recent publications, a listing of past & upcoming events, an overview of REINDEER related podcasts and a special focus on the teams’ contributions to ICC 2022. Please have a look and of course, share within your network.
First newsletter now available
The first REINDEER newsletter is now available for download. In this edition, we present a message from the coordinator, all workpackages in the project, a listing of past and upcoming events and a look at all recent media releases. Please have a look and of course, share within your network.
The 5G PPP PROJECTS Brochure was released and the H2020 REINDEER project it is mentioned on page 62.
TU GRAZ press release
6G technology – Domestic Trio Working on Tomorrow’s Mobile Communications – with an eye on future mobile communications standards, a European consortium is working on the next generation of antennas for wireless networks. Austria is clearly represented with NXP, Technikon and TU Graz. Check out the TU Graz press release:
The REINDEER project will address fundamental aspects of 6G multi-antenna technology, by developing a new smart connect compute platform based on RadioWeaves technology. Check out more information in the project poster:
5G IA’s press release
The 5G Infrastructure Association (5G IA) elects its Governing Board and broadens its membership in view of the new ‘Smart Networks and Services’ European Partnership. Check out the press release:
Press release Ericsson
Ericsson embarks on 6G journey with REINDEER – featured in Mobile World Live
Announcement letter
The REINDEER project will develop technology to ensure that fast wireless access is where we need it, when we need it.
The official leaflet of the H2020 project “REINDEER” is available, containing project information, mission, vision and goals of the project.