The next

generation of



The REINDEER project will develop a new smart connect-compute platform with a capacity that is scalable to quasi-infinite, and that offers perceived zero latency and interaction with an extremely high number of embedded devices. It will thereto develop “RadioWeaves” technology, a new wireless access infrastructure consisting of a fabric of distributed radio, computing, and storage resources which function as a massive, distributed antenna array. We will develop protocols and algorithms to establish novel resilient interactive applications that require ‘real-time’ and ‘real-space’ cooperation, for future robotized industrial environments, immersive entertainment, and intuitive care. We will co-design focusing algorithms and protocols for enhanced interaction with many energy-neutral devices. REINDEER will provide experimental proof-of-concept in versatile testbeds. The project will reinforce the European technological leadership and the innovation will create new business opportunities.


REINDEER will develop a new type of smart connectivity platform creating hyper-diversity.

We will design cell-free protocols and distributed intelligent processing establishing robust and scalable real-time and real-space interactive applications. Operating in this infrastructure will be with ultra-efficient usage of energy and bandwidth.

Smart connectivity technologies for interactive experiences, with perceived zero latency and uninterrupted availability both in time and in location within the service operation.



Reference Number:
Programme type:
H2020-ICT-2020-2 RIA
Programme acronym:


Project Start: 01.01.2021
48 Months

Cost and Funding

€ 4.644.460
100% EU-funded


Many future applications will rely heavily on wireless connectivity to offer interaction in ‘real-time’ and ‘realspace’, with imperceptible latency and unnoticeable dislocation between virtual and real elements. The remote medical expert wearing light-weight augmented reality (AR) glasses can monitor the patient and health data and control the equipment. The glasses operate as an energy-neutral device powered wirelessly from the connectivity platform. They receivee HD video streams for the displays but all processing off-loaded to the infrastructure. Likewise, in factories people and machines will cooperate, with an increasing number of robots and autonomous vehicles and drones. By 2030, consumers envision ‘Merged Realities’ where physical and virtual realities will be interchangeable. These applications expect unperceivable latency and high reliability. No retransmissions can be tolerated and zero outage is required in their operational environment.

Mission and Objectives

To be able to develop smart connectivity technologies for resilient interactive experiences, with perceived zero latency and uninterrupted availability both in time and in location within the service operation. The REINDEER project will bring essential innovation to progress both the platform architectures and the protocols and algorithms to realize the great potential in actual deployments and to establish future interactive applications. REINDEER will focus on the following objectives:
  • To analyse and specify technical requirements for future interactive applications in industrial, care, and entertainment use cases.
  • To develop the transformational RadioWeaves smart connectivity platform as energy-efficient, smart, scalable and secure connectivity infrastructure, and topologies for zero-outage and efficient and secure deployment.
  • To develop scalable protocols and algorithms for cell-free operation, and signal processing solutions for resilient interactive applications and cooperation with ‘energy-neutral’ devices through pro-active diversity, location learning, and distributed intelligence.
  • To experimentally validate and demonstrate the RadioWeaves smart connectivity platform and the REINDEER algorithms for robust applications and interaction with energy-neutral devices.
  • To share the REINDEER results with a broad group of stakeholders and the scientific community, promote technological vision in pre-standardization activities, ensure interoperability.

Work Packages


Analysis of future interactive applications, detailed technical requirements, propagation modelling, and assessment of achievable gains
This WP will deliver the technical requirements for the main work in WP2, WP3, and WP4, and provide propagation models. This WP covers all work related to the analysis and assessment of the diverse use cases for which the project will bring provide a smart connectivity platform.


RadioWeaves platform: models, architectures, and topologies.
The transformative RadioWeaves architecture will be developed. The distributed infrastructure topologies will be designed. For the overall success, a well-balanced co-design of hardware and algorithms is essential.


Scalable Protocols and algorithms for robust cell-free operation
Protocols and signal processing algorithms will be developed to enable efficient communication services using RadioWeaves, which also requires fundamental changes to the initial access, system information broadcasting, and spatial resource allocation. Ultra reliable and energy efficient protocols are given particular attention. This WP receives input in terms of performance metrics and performance goals from WP1 and architectures for implementing RadioWeaves from WP2.


Processing and Signalling for Energy-Neutral Devices
Covers the support of energy-neutral devices, wireless nodes which operate without any own battery, harvesting their energy from the RF field generates by the Radio Weaves infrastructure.


Experimental proof-of-concept of RadioWeaves platform and interactive applications
To maximally validate and demonstrate the technological progress. The targets are the experimental validation of the main results of the projects, including the overall concept of RadioWeaves-based networking, communication, and positioning, and the specific key technologies and enhanced functionalities.


Communication, Dissemination, Exploitation, Standardisation and Training
This WP will obtain inputs from all other WPs and ensures the communication and dissemination of results achieved within the individual WPs to the outside parties as well as to participating entities. Further, it will support the partners to exploit the achieved results and impacts on the European and international market. Standardization-related activities will take place during, and beyond, the REINDEER project's timeframe. Such activities may play a key role by in terms of worldwide dissemination of the project, as well as allowing for further exploitation of the project's research outputs, especially in terms of capitalization of IPR.


Project, risk and innovation management
Responsible for the operational management and technical vitality of REINDEER encompassing management components on contractual, financial, legal, technical, administrative and ethical levels. Another focus is to respond to opportunities, which is addressed by active innovation management. These activities will help to maximize the benefit to participants, project stakeholders and the overall project impact.

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